Source code for asyncio_executor

import asyncio
import functools
import inspect
import threading
from concurrent import futures
from typing import (Union, Callable, Any, Optional)

def _loop_mgr(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop)->None:
    [Start up a thread for running the eventloop's `run_forever` method.]

    [When it shutdown, all the coroutines will be closed.but the eventloop will not close.]

        loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) : - 事件循环[the eventloop]

    if loop.is_closed():
        loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

[docs]async def func_executor_coroutine( func: Any, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]=None)->Any: """将函数使用`loop.run_in_executor`包装成协程函数. [wrap `loop.run_in_executor` as a coroutine function.] Params: func (callable) : - 需要使用执行器执行的函数[the function who need the executor to run]. loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) : - 事件循环[the eventloop] Return: (Any): - 执行器的执行结果[the result the func retruned ran in the executor] """ _loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() return await _loop.run_in_executor(None, func)
[docs]class AsyncioExecutor(futures.Executor): """asyncio执行器,可以执行函数或者协程. [Asyncio executor who can execute the function or coroutine.] Attributes: _shutdown (bool): - 执行器是否终止 [the executor shutdowned or not] _loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop): - 事件循环 [the eventloop] _thread (threading.Thread): - 执行事件循环上任务的线程 [the thread who runs the tasks in the eventloop] _func_executor (futures.Executor): - 如果使用执行器执行函数,那么默认使用什么执行器 [which executor will be used by default if must run a function] """ def __init__(self, *, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]=None, func_executor: Optional[futures.Executor]=None)->None: super().__init__() self._shutdown = False self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._func_executor = func_executor or futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() self._loop.set_default_executor(func_executor) self._thread = threading.Thread(target=_loop_mgr, args=(self._loop,), daemon=True) self._thread.start()
[docs] def submit(self, fn: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)->futures.Future: """提交任务. [submit a task.] 会先检查执行器是否已经关闭或者执行器的事件循环是否还在运行. 如果不是则会抛出一个运行时异常 [It will check if the excutor has already closed or the eventloop is not running. If yes, will throw a RuntimeError exception.] Params: ``fn (Union[callable,coroutinefunction])``: - 要执行的函数或者协程函数 [the function or coroutinefunction who need to execute] ``*args/**kwargs`` : - fn的参数 [the function's params] Return: (concurrent.futures.Future) : - 丢进loop后的future对象,因为使用的是`run_coroutine_threadsafe`方法,因此返回的是一个线程安全的`concurrent.futures.Future`对象. [the instance of Future, because of using the method `run_coroutine_threadsafe`,it will return a instance of `concurrent.futures.Future` who is thread safe.] Raise: (RuntimeError) : - 当执行器是已经关闭或者执行器的事件循环不在运行时,会抛出运行时异常表明无法执行该操作. [when the excutor has already closed or the eventloop is not running.] """ if self._shutdown: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot schedule new futures after shutdown') if not self._loop.is_running(): raise RuntimeError( "Loop must be started before any function can " "be submitted") if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn): # 如果是协程对象,那么就使用run_coroutine_threadsafe将协程放入事件循环 # `asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe`返回一个`concurrent.futures.Future`对象 # 因此需要将其包装一下成为`asyncio.Future`对象 coro = fn(*args, **kwargs) fu = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self._loop) return fu else: # 如果是其他可执行对象,那么就使用run_in_executor将可执行对象委托给执行器放入事件循环 func = functools.partial(fn, *args, **kwargs) coro = func_executor_coroutine(func) fu = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self._loop) return fu
[docs] def shutdown(self, wait: bool=True, timeout: int=None)->None: """关闭执行器 [Close the executor.] Params: wait (bool): - 是否等待线程同步 [if waitting for syncing the thread or not.] timeout (int): - wait为True时才有效果,设置join的等待时间 [set the waitting will take effect only when param `wait` is `True`.]] """ self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._loop.stop) self._shutdown = True if wait: self._thread.join(timeout)